Together we make DIGITAL HEALTH accessible -

Together we make DIGITAL HEALTH accessible

Together We Make DIGITAL HEALTH Accessible” is a joint international initiative inspired by the need for further collaboration in the healthcare sector. It aims to encourage the connection among innovative healthcare ecosystems worldwide, stimulate knowledge exchange and open new business opportunities. COVID-19 has shown us that it’s the right time to work together for more effective and sustainable healthcare systems based on data and technology, and accessible digital health solutions could be the right tool.

The initiative’s kick-off will be the virtual event “Together We Make DIGITAL HEALTH Accessible,” organized by the US-Bulgarian Chamber in America and Digital Health and Innovation Cluster Bulgaria. This one-hour and a half event will start at 11 AM EST on Tuesday (November 16, 2021).

The event will give you the opportunity to think about the ecosystem approach towards solving key challenges in the healthcare sector and find new business partners out of the ones presenting successful use cases.

… and one more thing! We will share with you the healthcare value chain we have created with very concrete and accessible digital health solutions along the patient journey created by Bulgarian companies. It’s worth seeing! “Together We Make DIGITAL HEALTH Accessible!


US-Bulgarian Chamber is an active 501c6 non-for-profit organization that provides a comprehensive platform for its members with business interests in the United States and Bulgaria. The goal of the Chamber is to encourage and assist to US-Bulgarian economic relations in the scope of commerce, finance, agriculture, industry, transport, technologies, professional activities, and others. Since its first day of operation, the Chamber strives to become a bridge for US companies with interests and business in Bulgaria, Bulgarian companies present on the American market, and individuals interested or having stake in the economic relations between the two countries, such as with this new partnership with DHI Cluster. Through joint initiatives and events, the Chamber increases awareness of the importance of US-Bulgarian economic relations and business. It connects people, communities, and resources throughout the United States.


Digital Health and Innovations Cluster Bulgaria is a non-profit organization situated in Sofia, Bulgaria, which supports companies and organizations in digital solutions and innovations in healthcare to build an ecosystem and establish a sustainable and effective healthcare environment for patients, healthcare professionals, society, and institutions. DHI Cluster Bulgaria was created in November 2018 by nine companies and two not-for-profit organizations. In 2021, the DHI Cluster has more than 35 members and partners – national and international pharma and IT companies. The organization supports the creation of data-driven healthcare to boost sustainability and efficiency in the healthcare system and support the collaboration between all the stakeholders for a better understanding of the health system and its needs.



11:00 - 11:05 EST time zone
Official opening

Moderation and facilitation by Diana Joseph, Corporate Accelerator Forum
11:05 - 11:15 EST time zone
Ecosystem remarks

Presenting US-Bulgarian Chamber and DHI Cluster Bulgaria
11:15 - 11:25 EST time zone
How can we make DIGITAL HEALTH Accessible?

11:25 - 11:35 EST time zone
Fast Track to Value-based healthcare

MY Synergy - Value Digital Health and Care
11:35 - 11:45 EST time zone
Getting Actionable Insights from Your Healthcare & Pharma Data Leveraging Semantic AI and Knowledge Graphs

Ontotext - Making Sense of Text and Data
11:45 - 11:55 EST time zone
Improving hospital performance through visual data analytics

B EYE - Advanced Analytics Solutions
11:55 - 12:05 EST time zone
CTO as a service - the missing link in the project development in healthcare

BGO Software - Design, Development and Validation of Digital Health Solutions
12:05 - 12:15 EST time zone
From Serialization to Digitalization and Transparency

SoftGroup - Serialization Solutions to Enable Global Track and Trace Compliance
12:15 - 12:30 EST time zone
Q & A
Panel discussion


16 ное. 2021


EST time zone
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

More Info

DHI Cluster Bulgaria


DHI Cluster Bulgaria

Other Organizers

US-Bulgarian Chamber
US-Bulgarian Chamber


  • Йордан Илиев
    Йордан Илиев
    Съсновател и управител, My Synergy

    Йордан е дигитален здравен евангелист, предприемач и стратег в света на медицината и иновациите. Фокусът му е върху ръководството на компаниите, НПО и правителствата чрез динамиката на експоненциалната промяна на пазара на здравеопазване и технологии. Йордан е съосновател и главен изпълнителен директор на MY Synergy – консултантска компания за здравеопазване, част от DHI Cluster в България, разбираща жизнения цикъл на здравеопазването. Тя е единствената компания в България, която предоставя цялостно портфолио от услуги за дигитална трансформация в здравеопазването – управление и консултации за стратегии, управление на бизнес процеси / BPM / и автоматизация, ИТ, сигурност и дигитален маркетинг

  • Милена Стойчева
    Милена Стойчева
    Изпълнителен директор, Джуниър Ачийвмънт България

    Милена Стойчева е изпълнителен директор на JA Bulgaria с богат национален и международен опит в областта на образованието, развитието на предприемачеството, бизнес уменията, икономическата и финансовата грамотност. гостуващ професор по иновации и предприемачество към Европейския институт за иновации и технологии. Тя има дипломи от български и американски университети и специализации и обучения в UC Berkeley, Stanford, Penn State и Cornell University. Участвала е като жури и ментор в екипите на Intel Business Challenge Europe / Global, участвала е и в основния екип на Intel Europe Entrepreneurship и е експерт по предприемачество при ОИСР и Европейската комисия. Тя е носител на наградата „Женско лидерство“, връчена и от американския посланик в България. Милена Стойчева е Председател на Управителния съвет на Български клъстер за дигитални решения и иновации в здравеопазването.

DHI ClusterУправление

Български клъстер за дигитални решения и иновации в здравеопазването.

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DHI Cluster

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DHI ClusterУправление

Български клъстер за дигитални решения и иновации в здравеопазването.

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© 2020 DHI Cluster. Всички права запазени.